Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

English Journal

Diposting oleh Dola Dy di 16.35.00 0 komentar

The way I improve my English Skill

Friday, September 30th 2011
I read new vocabularies and I tried to memorize it. It is useful because I can improve my vocabularies and I think this way can improve my English Skill.

Saturday, October 1st 2011
I watched movie. The title was Detective Conan : Murderer Kudou Shinichi. I watched it with English subtitle. I tried to understand the subtitle. This way is useful to improve my English skill.

Sunday, October 2nd 2011
I played the IC’s audio CD. I listened to the conversations in IC’s book. I tried to practice it. It is useful. I can improve my pronunciation.    

Monday, October 3rd  2011
I listened to music. The song is Lucky from Jason Mraz. I tried to write down the song lyric and compare it with lyric from the Internet. Sometimes this way is useful because I can improve my vocabularies. But in other hand, it isn’t useful because I had several mistake with the lyric.

Tuesday, October 4th 2011
I sent SMS to my friend. I used English. I think this way is not useful because sometimes my friend replied it in Bahasa. Sometimes I used incorrect sentence or structure.

Wednesday, October 5th 2011
I watched several English video. I watched it without subtitle. I tried to understand what they were talking about. And I understood what they were talking about. It is useful because I can improve my English skill from the videos.

Thursday, October 6th 2011
                                    I went to Gramedia and I found the English version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone novel. I read the chapter 1 of the book. I tried to understand it. I found some difficult wordI think it is useful because I can improve my vocabularies and my English skill.


Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

FBS Digoyaaangg

Diposting oleh Dola Dy di 14.10.00 0 komentar

                FBS  digoyaaaannngggg……..
                Rabu, 26 Okt 2011 was the first time I felt the earthquake in the 4th floor. Awalnya sih ga nyadar itu gempa atau bukan. Soalnya lagi istirahat, kebanyakan teman-teman sekelas lagi sibuk dengan urusannya masing-masing. Ada yang main laptop, hp, ada yang nonton, ada yang lagi chit chat dll. Tiba-tiba saja salah seorang temanku bilang ada gempa, lantas semua jadi panik. Anak-anak dari kelas lain yang menyadari ada gempa juga ikut-ikutan panik. Mereka berdesak-desakan di koridor, mengarah ketangga. Melihat itu semua saya juga ikut-ikutan panik. Bersama beberapa orang teman sekelas, kamipun turun ke lantai bawah. Keadaan dilantai dua sangat berbeda dengan dilantai empat. Semua orang disana tetap melanjutkan aktivitasnya masing-masing.
                Sesampainya dilobi bawah, ternyata banyak penghuni FBS (Fakultas Bahasa n Seni ) yangsudah berada dibawah dengan berbagai macam ekspresi. Ada yang cemas bahkan ada yang sampai menangis, ada yang sekedar cemas, ada yang biasa biasa saja.
                Setibanya di kos – kosan, langsung buka internet and liat tweetnya @InfoBMKG , ternya gempa tadi berpusat di Mentawai pukul 10:38:50 WIB, 5,4 SR.



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